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Internationalization at the Catholic University of Colombia is a process that strengthens the purposes of teaching, research and extension of the Institution.

In the Agreement number 001 of 2015, the University defined three fronts of action for the implementation of its work plan:

  • Inter-institutional cooperation at national and international levels
  • Internationalization at home
  • National and international mobility

In order to ensure a harmonious implementation of the strategy, the University has the Office of International and Interinstitutional Affairs (ORII as it stands in Spanish), which guides and supports academic and administrative units in the management of relations with other institutions at national and international level, and provides advice to all members of the academic community on internationalization.


International and Interinstitutional Partnership Office
Diagonal 46A # 15 B – 10, Claustro headquarters
Phone number: (571) 327 7300 Extension 3280, 3281 and 3283
E-mail: relacionesinternacionales@ucatolica.edu.co