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About the University

The Catholic University of Colombia is essentially an institution founded on the doctrine of Christ’s principles. It will have the Catholic Church as its mentor and comprehensive promoter of its doctrine, of which the University declares itself as its faithful collaborator in the teaching of the truth and those sciences at the service of mankind and the community’s interests”. Statement of Principles and Statutes of the Catholic University of Colombia, 1970.

The university is committed to the development of knowledge and the advancement of sciences and professions. As a Catholic Institution, the university recognizes the Catholic Church as a legitimate promoter of Christ’s principles. Its educational mission centers on the human person, as God’s creature, made in His image and likeness. Our Professors hold high academic, professional and personal qualities. In its academic aspect, there are consolidated programs of undergraduate studies, specializations, masters and PhDs. These programs have an academic trajectory and they are recognized at the national and international fields.

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