Spelling Bee Contest. 7th Edition 2023

This project is designed by the English Department as a strategy that allows students to improve their English language skills, not only at the grammatical and lexical level but in the development of cognitive skills and strengthening of personal qualities. It is an educational experience that motivates individual work and competition. It is important for all those who learn a new language to have an incentive that rewards the daily work in the subject. Therefore, this contest will recognize students who stand out for their excellent spelling in English, taking into account different rounds of participation.

The activity will be carried out in 3 rounds. During each one, activities will be carried out designed to measure the skills of students and thus determine, who will be the best spellers. Then, once there is one winner per course, students will compete in the final round by categories.

The competition was developed from Kindergarten to Eleven grade, and the categories were divided in: Category A: Kindergarten and Transition – Category B: First and Second grade – Category C: Third to Fifth grade – Category D: Sixth to Eighth grade – Category E: Ninth to Eleven grade.

The Finalists of this year were:

Category A – Pre – school:
Martín Taborda
Laura Velasco
Matías Zambrano

Category B
Dante Barrios (101)
María José Giraldo (201)

Category C
Luna Cabrera (301)
Lina Fernanda Ortega (401)
Valeria Zárate (501)

Category D
Mariana Arenas (6th)
Nicolas Zárate (7th)
Valeria Villafañe (8th)

Category E
Samuel Guerrero (9th)
Angélica Díaz (10th)
Alejandra Rodríguez (11th)

Juan David Guzmán (Elementary School)
Aníbal Talero (High School)


  • Category A: Martín Taborda (Pre-school)
  • Category B: María José Giraldo (201)
  • Category C: Luna Cabrera (301)
  • Category D: Valeria Villafañe (8th)
  • Category E: Alejandra Rodríguez (11th)
  • Teachers: Aníbal Talero (High School)



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