Project “Decisiones, Datos y Cambio Climático” of the Catholic University of Colombia wins an excellence award at an American festival

The Socio-Legal Research Center of the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Colombia (CISJUC for its acronym in Spanish), in collaboration with the University of Texas at Arlington, has received the award for excellence by the Broadcast Education Association of the United States. This distinction was awarded in the short documentary category for its outstanding work on the “Decisiones, Datos y Cambio Climático” project.

The award, received at the Broadcast Education Association’s prestigious festival, represents a significant milestone for both academic institutions. Competing against more than 1,800 applications in all categories, the project stood out in the evaluation committees where technical, creative and social impact aspects were assessed.

The Broadcast Education Association (BEA) is the leading international academic media organization, advancing knowledge, excellence in media production and professional advancement for educators, students and professionals. Every year the association holds the BEA Festival of Media Arts, which is internationally recognized for its relevance in the fields of education and media.

The award will be presented during the BEA Annual Conference, scheduled for April in Las Vegas, United States. This award not only highlights the excellence of the project, but also the joint effort of both universities to address pertinent issues such as climate change.

A notable aspect of the award-winning project is its presentation in Spanish, with English subtitles, to a largely English-speaking audience. This demonstrates the ability of the documentary to transcend linguistic and cultural barriers, delivering its message to diverse audiences.

This success is the result of a fruitful collaboration between the Catholica University of Colombia, the University of Texas at Arlington, and the special participation of the Santo Tomás University. All of this, within the framework of the Research Project “Derecho, Cambio Climático y Big Data”, which led to the documentary “Decisiones, Datos y Cambio Climático”, produced and broadcast by the television broadcasting network The Weather Channel.

This distinction is undoubtedly a sign of the commitment of the Catholic University of Colombia to the objectives of sustainable development and its internationalization strategy. It is also a source of motivation to continue developing projects with a high social and global impact.

👉 Check out the documentary here.

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